SATURDAY, May 4, starting at 7 PM

Coin­ciding with the 50th anniver­sary of the birth of Hip Hop, the SCHIRN is dedi­cating a major inter­dis­ci­pli­nary exhi­bi­tion to Hip Hop’s profound influ­ence on the current art and cultural land­scape. Hip Hop has now evolved into a global phenom­enon that has driven numerous inno­va­tions in music, fashion, tech­nology, as well as visual and performing arts. Grounded on the origins of Hip Hop in the U.S., yet with a focus on art and music from the last twenty years, the exhi­bi­tion THE CULTURE features over 100 paint­ings, photographs, sculp­tures, and videos, as well as fashion and vinyl, by inter­na­tion­ally renowned contem­po­rary artists. At the same time you can experience the exhibition of COSIMA VON BONIN.

With an interactive project by FUEGO FATAL. More info to follow.

Guided tours (parallel in both exhibitions):

German-language introductions

7.30 + 8.30 + 9.30 + 10.30 + 11.30 PM

Introduction in English

8 + 9 + 10 + 11 PM

Duration of the guided tours: approx. 20 minutes each
COSIMA VON BONIN. FEELINGS, exhibition view, © Schirn 2024, Photo: Norbert Miguletz
The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century, exhibition view, © Schirn 2024, Photo: Esra Klein