Everyone has an opinion

Welcome to the social media channels of the SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE FRANKFURT!

The SCHIRN is a place of discovery, expresses contentious opinions, opens up debates and offers space for an active exchange about the relevance of art for our society.

We invite you to share on the SCHIRN's social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok and LinkedIn)! We look forward to your comments and an open as well as constructive and respectful climate of discussion.

However, we reserve the right to report or delete comments that are offensive, discriminatory, racist or hurtful. This includes attacks on people based on their actual or presumed religion, origin, nationality or physical condition, income level, sexual identity, age or gender.

Please maintain a respectful tone in your comments. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but respect the views of others. We will not tolerate personal attacks on individuals.

Feel free to link to further information on the topic in comments. The SCHIRN is not responsible for external content and reserves the right to remove such content if it violates the rules listed here or constitutes a violation of personal rights or copyright. Also removed will be comments that contain commercial advertising as well as SPAM and comments that attempt to steer the discussion through influence.

We look forward to an inspiring exchange!